Every summer I take a different route to visit the smith funeral home. This route varies depending on the weather and when I know the funeral home will be open.

The funeral home’s exterior sign has been there since the late 1800s. In fact, when I was a kid the sign was there before the funeral homes. During the years of the sign’s existence, it was a good place to go to see the dead. In fact, I guess it was a good place for that.

Since the sign is a part of the smith funeral home’s history, it’s a good place to visit when you’re interested in the history of the neighborhood. There are other fun facts that the sign tells you about the history of the funeral home, like the funeral home was started in the year 1871 by John Smith, the original owner.

When you’re digging for graves or looking for any kind of historical marker, you’re going to find a lot of things that the sign tells you about the neighborhood. We’ve found a lot of these signs throughout our neighborhood as well, and they tell us about the neighborhood’s history as well.

The funeral home was originally called Smith’s Funeral Home, and it was founded in 1871 by John Smith. This sign has a lot to do with the history of the neighborhood. When we were looking around for a marker that we could put on our tree, we saw a lot of these signs that tell us a great deal about the history of the neighborhood.

We also saw a lot of this sign in one of our neighborhood’s very first homes. It tells us that while Smiths Funeral Home was originally located in a cemetery, they eventually moved into the street where we now live. This sign has a lot to do with the history of our neighborhood. They even named it after a famous person. The sign itself is quite beautiful, and tells us a lot about the neighborhood.

The tree in the cemetery is a very nice, but somewhat disturbing sign. It’s a symbol of our neighborhood’s history, too. This tree was actually a tree that was built in the 20th century, when we were a family of four. It’s very nice, but it’s also an advertisement for a funeral home in which we’re hoping to draw attention to the death of our beloved Smiths Funeral Home.

We’re not sure what the message is here, but we like the trees, the sign, and the fact that the sign is a very prominent one. This also tells us that the Smith family has a lot of history in the area, but it also reveals that we’re dealing with something that is very specific to our locale, which is very cool. But we also feel that it’s an advertisement for smith funeral home.

Smith is a very unique and mysterious place. Smith is an individual who is not only the owner of a funeral home but also the owner of a smith cemetery. In fact, it’s possible for the funeral home to be the last place that Smith is buried. It turns out that it is actually located in the community of Smith cemetery. It’s a private cemetery with a lot of buried graves.

The funeral home itself is an interesting place, because its own funeral home. It seems like the only real benefit to smith funeral home is that it’s a funeral home. But there are also two other benefits to the funeral home: first, it’s a very specific place. Like, it’s where you go when you die, and second, it’s the only place that is in Smith.

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