As I reflect on the life of our family’s son Kenly, who passed away at the age of 65 on Dec. 26, 2011, I realized that our funeral home, kenly funeral home, was his second home. He had lived there for over 25 years and was a huge part of our lives for well over 25 years. I’ve always felt that Kenly’s presence in our home was what made the funeral home a home.

The thing is, Kenly used to be a funeral home and it was a huge part of our lives. We would pick out a spot for the funeral home in our back yards, we would take our vehicles there, and we would always have a large casket waiting for the funeral home. It was a part of our life. We still have many pieces of furniture from the funeral home, things like this table from the kitchen, this bookcase, and a few other things.

However, Kenly was in a coma in the hospital, and he died several years ago. When we came to Kenly’s funeral home, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness. It was a small funeral home, but it was the only funeral home that we could find. It was also the only funeral home that they had the services for because it’s a big industry.

Its a small funeral home, but Kenly was a big deal. Over the years, there have been several other funeral homes that have had him in their care, but Kenly was one of the best. It was also one of the only ways that we could meet our mother, who had passed away a few years before. We all got together to show our dad who we were, so he knew how to get in touch with us.

As a family, we had the privilege of being at Kenly’s funeral last night. I couldn’t help but notice how much it had aged and changed. It was still elegant and impressive, but there was an ethereal feeling to it that was somewhat disturbing. The service was really cool and a lot of fun. I wish we could have gone back one of the times we had to attend.

That’s one of our favorite parts of the Kenlys. We had to go to a funeral for all of our family members: mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, and uncle. We were really excited to see our mom, but we were also really excited to see all of the families we don’t know. I think that part of why we love going to funerals is that it’s an opportunity for us to get to know the people that we don’t know.

For families that aren’t in the same place for a while, like Kenlys, the funeral service is a chance for the family to speak to the rest of the family. It is also, I think, a chance for the family to speak to the rest of the world.

I think that’s the only way to describe it. As the funeral home itself, it was really hard to miss if you were in the same town as the funeral home. I think that’s the only way to describe it. It’s almost like they’ve taken every other family in the city and made them into their own funeral home. I think the only way to describe it is that it’s almost like a funeral home for the rest of the people in the city.

I think thats the only way to describe it. Its almost like a funeral home for the rest of the people in the city. I think the funeral home itself looks as vibrant and murderous as ever in its new story trailer. I think its almost like a wedding, its almost like the other funeral homes, its almost like the entire city.

The funeral home itself looks a lot like the other funeral homes, in the eyes of its owner.

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