The Dafford Funeral Home is located in a beautiful and historic setting, right on the banks of the Mississippi River. The family that owns the home has over 50 years of business, and they have always been extremely conscientious about maintaining the integrity and the quality of what they have in the house. It’s important to understand that the Dafford family has a strict policy of cleaning and maintaining their environment.

A lot of people think that being environmentally friendly is a luxury. But to us, it’s a necessity, and we try to do whatever we can to keep our environment clean and healthy. We are a family that cares about the environment, and what we stand for as a family has always been clean, hygienic, and well-maintained.

I think the most important thing about Dafford is the people. We are a family that cares about the environment, and we try to do whatever we can to keep our environment clean and healthy.

Dafford, a funeral home, has a long and beautiful history. The family that built it has lived there for about 120 years, and their efforts to keep the building in good shape have paid off. The building is home to a small staff of five people. They are all volunteers, and we are proud to be a part of their team and care for their home.

And to be quite honest, we’ve been there a few times and we’re pretty proud of the exterior of the building, as well. It looks great in the morning, looks great when we’re going to the gym, and looks great on the inside. The exterior is very simple, but the interior is made up of the same dark color scheme on the interior walls as the exterior.

The exterior of the building is made up of a lot of dark colors. The interior walls are covered in a different dark color scheme than the exterior walls. The colors of the interior and exterior walls are just so similar they make for a great “dual color wheel” effect. The interior has a warm dark color scheme and the exterior has a cool black color scheme. The interior has a gray-green tone to it and the exterior has a warm copper-gold color scheme.

dafford is a funeral home for humans that only cares about their guests and not their own clients. They have a lot of staff members and other clients who are their friends. So it makes sense why they would want to keep a really cool place with a lot of color schemes.

The exterior of the building has a warm brown color scheme and the interior has a very cool gray-green color scheme. The exterior has a dark green color scheme and the interior has a very warm brown color scheme.

The interior of the building has a dark brown color scheme. There is a cool gray-green color scheme in the exterior of the building as well, but when the staff enters the building, they change color schemes and the whole thing changes to a very cool brown color scheme.

It’s a beautiful building in its own right, and the way it changes color scheme is actually really interesting. I would say that the gray-green color scheme in the exterior of the building is actually more similar to a very cool gray-green color scheme than the dark brown color scheme in the interior of the building is similar to a very cool brown color scheme.

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