This funeral home is a favorite of mine. I love the peaceful feeling of walking on a beautiful grassy path surrounded by greenery and the softness of the flowers that adorn the building.

I like this funeral home because it’s a funeral home. It’s not the kind of place where dead people are being cremated.

I have three more funeral homes in my world and this funeral home, I think, is my absolute favorite in the game. The flowers are beautiful, the lighting is beautiful, and I love how the funeral home’s colors blend with the surrounding setting. I love that, because I don’t want to die in a cemetery.

I guess I should rephrase that because the funeral home is also the place where I die. And I am not dead.

In “The Death Loop”, you play as Colt Vahn. In “Basagic”, you play as the protagonist, who has no recollection of his time on Deathloop and is dying to make amends for it.

Well, that’s the thing about basagic. They have a system in place where you can go back into the funeral home and kill everyone who’s still alive in the game. That’s what I’m doing here. Yes, this is a survival horror game, but it’s also a game about grief.

When you start the game, your character is taken to the funeral home in the US. You can’t actually talk to anyone; you only interact with the people who are still in the funeral home. Of course, you can talk to a few of them while there. But when you rejoin the game, you can’t actually talk to anyone because they aren’t the real people. You only interact with the people who are still alive.

At this point youre probably starting to think I’m crazy. But, I know that this game is a survival horror game. Its not a video game. Its a survival horror game. And we all know that survival horror games are the best. And I think that’s what Im trying to convey by using this quote. Its a quote that I can’t really explain to you without giving it away.

It’s a quote that says that people (and animals) that are trapped in time are not afraid of death until they are close to it, when they realize they wont make it for themselves. If that’s true and they werent afraid of death when they were still alive, there wouldnt be a reason to be afraid of it. So in death-looping, we always have to be prepared to die. We have to have something to fall back on but its not always a person.

In Deathloop, we find ourselves surrounded in darkness when we have a choice to make. The first choice is to run away from death or stay in the darkness in order to protect our lives from being consumed by it. The second choice is to run towards death in order to see our loved ones alive again. The third choice is to stay in the darkness to watch them die. The last choice is to run towards death in order to go to the light and see our loved ones again.

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