I’ll never forget the date my husband and I were married: June 24th, 2005. I was on the road to the wedding; I was on the way to one of my favorite bars to drink in: The Bartley. I was getting married. I had just met my husband. I was ready to go to the dance. We were in our room getting ready to leave for the evening.

It’s a testament to the beauty of our wedding day that we were only able to celebrate the life of one other. That was the night I met my husband Steve. He was a bartender at our wedding bar and I always believed that he and I would get married. He was a bartender at our wedding bar. We were ready to go out. We were ready to make a baby.

A bartender who was married but not yet pregnant, is the perfect candidate for a funeral home. In The Bartley all of those things happened to Steve. And in fact, every single person who was a close friend of Steve in his life before he moved away from our bar and into his own apartment.

Steve’s apartment is the one where we were married before he started bartending. And he’s the one who kept me up nights the night before the wedding. And he was the one who did the most to help me with my pregnancy. So it’s not just about the fact that Steve’s apartment is the only apartment we have ever lived in together. It’s about the fact that he’s so good with people and is such a great bartender. And that he’s so good with his children.

Steves apartment is a bar that he has made his own. The bartender is not a bartender at all. He’s a bartender of the dead, a bartender who doesn’t want to be one, but can’t seem to stop himself from being one. We find out that he was bartending at a funeral home when he was sixteen. His dad died when he was four. And he’s not even sure if he is a bartender at all.

Bartley’s mother was a real estate agent. She thought that bartending was a great career choice and wanted him to go into it. They worked together and he got a great job with a great company. But things weren’t always great. His mother died, his dad remarried, and then passed away himself at the age of twenty-eight. Bartley lost the apartment he had with his mother, and moved to the apartment he inherited from his father.

Bartley was always the first in the family to be born, so he was always going to be the one to make the most money. Bartley has just decided that he doesnt want to work. He wants to use the money he has to buy a new apartment and just relax.

That’s a great idea, Bartley. And that’s awesome, too. But that doesn’t mean you can do it all by yourself. You need a partner. A partner that can look after you (a good partner would be someone who could make you a lot of money in a short period of time), and someone who can help you out financially.

This is why the best people are the ones who can handle the work. And yes, Bartley isnt the best of friends with the head of the dead people’s funeral home, but he isnt the worst either. He is actually a really good guy. His name is Bob, and he is the man who hired Bartley to do his job.

This is where I would like to take a moment and say that Bob is not the bad guy. He is a good guy who is very naive about the real world. It is a bit sad that he has to work with Bartley because Bartley is a complete jerk. He is a good guy who is nice to everyone and is always getting away with murder.

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