This video is from Pittsburgh, PA, and is one of my favorite. I highly recommend watching it. I just love the way the homeowners describe their experience with the remodel. I like the way they talk about how they were able to move onto a new level of self-awareness.

The video uses the word “self-aware.” It’s not really a compliment, because as a self-aware person, I would tell myself “Hey, I am aware of my surroundings. I can do this.” And then I would do it. But the video is saying that the homeowners are “self-aware.” That means they are aware of the surroundings they are in and the effects it has on them.

This is good. A self-aware person would also be careful to pay attention to the immediate consequences of certain actions, but the homeowners are not concerned with the consequences and are instead concerned with getting their house ready for the next generation.

Sounds like the opposite of the typical “self-aware” person. But I guess that’s the point. People who are self-aware are aware of themselves and their surroundings. The homeowners in this case aren’t self-aware. They know what they are doing but are too focused on the next generation to think about the actual consequences of their actions. They are not self-aware.

I know this is a bit depressing, but the homeowners are not self-aware. They are not aware of what they want to achieve, and they do not want to be aware of their own actions. So instead of wanting to get their house ready for the next generation, they just want to get their house ready for the next generation.

The reason why homeowners are not self-aware is because the people who buy homes for them are not aware of their own motivations. In fact, they are more likely to be unaware of their own motivations because they are too busy trying to get their existing house ready for the next generation. This is not like buying a car that is going to be in the garage for 6 years, but it is similar. It is not self-aware because they are not aware of themselves.

The next generation of homeowners are not self-aware because they are not aware of their own motivations. In fact, they are not even aware of the motivation behind their current home remodeling efforts. That’s because the people who buy homes for them are not aware of their own motivations. They are busy trying to get their existing house ready for the next generation. However, they are not self-aware because they are busy trying to make their existing house ready for the next generation.

In the eyes of the home-buyer, a home is a home. They are buying houses because they want to live there. But they have no idea that they are buying the homes for which they are buying. They think they are buying the houses that they currently live in, but that is a mistake because they are buying the houses that they are now trying to fix up for the next generation.

These are the people who may need to be taught a thing or two. There are lots of people out there who are constantly going through remodeling projects. Often the homes they are remodeling are not ready. They are often not built to last. If they are not aware of their own motivations they might end up spending an hour or two on a project that they never would have wanted to begin in the first place.

I’ve never remodeled a house before, nor have I been on a remodeling project, so I don’t know if that makes me a little bit of an amateur, but this is why I think it’s important for new homeowners to go through the process of remodeling before they buy a house.

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