The past month has been a very stressful one for the staff at haskins funeral home in the greater Cincinnati area. They have a new home built and a new owner-less staff. The funeral director, who has been with haskins for 25 years, is retiring. Staff has been told that they will be working for him. The whole staff has been told to do what is expected of them and what they want to do.

This sounds like a situation where the staff has been thrown a bone but are trying to eat it. One of our friends at haskins told us that their current contract runs out in a month. They are hoping to find a new one, but the contract is up for renewal in a few weeks.

There will be no funeral director, just a funeral home. It will be a small building with a couple of employees, but staff is saying the funeral director wants to close the business. We haven’t yet seen the funeral director, but his staff wants him to close the business.

We asked our friends at haskins a couple of questions.

We were told by the funeral director that they just wanted to close the business. I can see how that might bother the family, but I thought that was really odd too.

When I saw the funeral director I was more shocked to see him. He knew exactly what to do.

With the funeral director saying he wished he could close the business, and without the family being able to see the funeral director leaving the funeral home, I’m not sure what the staff wants to close the business for. We ask our friends at haskins to get back to us on this.

The funeral home is where a family member dies. The staff has decided to close the business because the family no longer wishes to be there. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really want to be there.

How many people would ever leave the funeral home if their own wife and child were there? They would be gone for life. The funeral home is a place for that.

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