My friend, the one who created this website, called me the other day and asked if I wanted to be included in the list of eidsness’ funeral home. She was really happy about that and I was happy about it, too. is an Internet-powered funeral home where you can take your loved ones to be buried in a beautiful, peaceful, and dignified manner.
All of this is great, and I’m glad that more sites are doing this. But we get asked a lot about eidsness, so I thought I would put it out there in case anyone should get a better idea of what it is.
eidsness funeral home is a service that takes funerals all over the world. While it might seem like it’s all just a bunch of rich people having a nice time, eidsness is different. You can choose from a wide variety of services in many different cities in the world, from a funeral home to a crematorium to a funeral parlor. You can even choose between the services of a casket maker, a burial director, or a funeral director.
eidsness funeral home is the service that gets you a coffin, a casket, and a funeral director. It’s not really a funeral, which is a much more expensive service. The difference is in the funeral director. The director is the person who makes the last decision on the actual funeral, in lieu of which you have to pay the burial costs.
If you choose the director, you will be charged for the casket, but the funeral will be free. If you choose the casket maker, you will also be charged for the casket, but you get to choose the burial director. The difference is that the director will decide which graves are dug, and which ones are not. The burial director will also decide which of the graves is dug.
We’ve all seen the funeral home movies, the ones where the funeral director has to select the casket and the funeral itself, and it’s always a pretty depressing choice. No, your choice isn’t a movie. Your choice is the actual funeral, and the only reason it’s not the most depressing choice in the world is because the director is a sadistic asshole who has to make it seem cool that a man died without a decent burial.
The funeral director is not a sadistic asshole. He’s a scumbag. He knows what he wants, and he wants it done quickly. He wants a quick and cheap funeral. His job is to make sure that his client pays on time so he can get a quick profit on his cheap services. He uses the internet to find people for him. He has a Facebook page.
The funeral director also has a Facebook page with over 500 friends. This is a big mistake. We know these people, and if we are to be honest with ourselves, we know them. We are not going to tell them what to do with their money.
A funeral director is not a person who is capable of taking care of themselves. The sad fact is that our society is really not ready for a funeral director. In fact, most funeral directors are not even able to take care of themselves. They are so wrapped up in their job that they just don’t have time for themselves and just want to get the job done right, fast.