In this episode of the podcast, I answer questions sent in by listeners about remodeling a basement. I also take questions about the design of the home, where a remodeler gets stuck, and how to create a better home through remodeling.

In our home we have a very old Victorian, so I’ve always been a fan of the Victorian aesthetic. I’ve always loved the idea of the entire space being one space that’s a little bit different. The way it uses light and space and texture. I’ve always thought it was a great way to add an extra layer of authenticity.

There are countless ways to bring a space to life. One way is to add a layer of color to the space, and another is to bring the space itself into the room, adding texture and style.

When we moved into our house, I was very impressed with the way our basement had been left as it was from the time we moved in. The basement is almost like the main room of the house, but with more open space. The ceilings are about 3 feet high and the walls are about 12 feet. Its basically like a giant space in the room but in a basement setting. It is very comfortable to live in and it is perfect for entertaining.

You can add tons of texture and style to a typical basement, and this is a great example of that. I love the bright colors and bright patterns in this room.

The basement is a great space for entertaining, but it can also be a great storage space for things you don’t use every day. I’ve used it for some of my own storage, but when I moved in we started having a few problems with the water coming in. The water was getting higher and higher until we had to leave. We had a new roof installed in the spring and I think that helped the water problem too.

The problem is not with a water issue per se. The problem is that the floor was so worn and loose that you could fall through it at any moment. This could cause a great deal of damage to you and your possessions.

So my goal is to change the floor in my 2 bedroom, 1 bath basement to a level that is comfortable to walk in. I should be able to have a space to store my things within a few hours of finishing the basement.

It’s not exactly an easy problem, but it is worth doing so. It’s basically a basement remodel, so you need to find a contractor that can do the work. If you’re not familiar with the process, I suggest getting a contractor to come out and visit you and let you know what you can do to make it easier.

The basement remodeler is often the first step towards a larger basement remodel. The contractor needs to change the floor to a level that is comfortable to walk in. This means he/she needs to have access to both the electrical and plumbing systems in the basement, which is not always the case.

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