I love my corporate office phone. I work there part-time, but I do so primarily because of the phone. It’s not a job I would have without it, and I can’t imagine working anywhere else.
I don’t know why I love it so much, but I do. I think you should be able to use your corporate phone to call anyone in the world, even if your company is located in the middle of nowhere. To do this you just need to call the number that is displayed on the screen. It’s completely free, and because of that people are calling all the time.
I’m not sure if I should be proud of this, or if it’s a little weird. Is it a little weird that a company that is supposed to be so secretive doesn’t have a phone? I’d say this is pretty normal, though. A corporation should be able to function without a phone of some sort.
Its not quite as bad as it sounds, the phone number is just one piece of information that people know. That’s not to say it’s not useful, it just means it’s not as easy to use as it should be. The other information you can find on the screen is the name of the company, a phone number, and the email address of the CEO.
Its not that the phone number is useless, its just that having it is more of a hassle that it should be. While I can understand your idea of not wanting people to know where you work, it would seem to me that if you don’t have a phone at your company, you don’t really need to have a phone at a company, so having one at your company would be more of a hassle than a benefit.
Well, if you want your company to have a working phone, you should either have people who will have their phone with them at all times, or you should have people who have their phone with them, and make sure they dont just leave them at home.
I know it seems like a lot of work for a company phone, but the bottom line is that having a working phone is a key factor in the success of your company. Just ask the hundreds of companies in this country that are based out of their home office.
In the new trailer, aaron begins an email campaign to the CEO’s office to try to get him to take more of a personal interest in the company and its future, and to make sure he keeps a phone with him at all times. He claims that he has a new, more open line of communication with his CEO, so he has the email but has no phone with him. That is, until the email stops working.
In the trailer we see aaron, sitting in his office, doing his best to convince his CEO that he needs his phone to keep him in touch with the outside world and that he would be willing to pay a lot of money just so he is allowed to keep his phone. This is just one example of the many ways that companies can actually use the privacy of their office phone line to their advantage.
I’m sure I have missed a few, but I’m sure you get the point.