If a mobile home is your lifestyle, then remodeling can be your calling. From the time I bought my mobile home in 2010, I was constantly remodeling and adding to it, adding a little more each year.
It was all over the place. I would spend months at a time on one project or another, until finally, I’d have the place I wanted. I loved it so much, so much that I bought a new mobile home for it.
So what does this have to do with remodeling? Well, in a nutshell, it’s the opposite of what we’re talking about. We should be doing a lot of remodeling, so what we’re actually doing in the mobile home industry is remodeling, but it’s done on an airplane. It’s not a traditional, fixed location.
When we started in the mobile home remodeling industry, we were building for a large-scale, large-scale, large-scale. We were doing everything in-house, and that was fine, but we were also hiring contractors to do almost everything. Some contractors were very good, and some were just fine with the job. The problem was that almost every contractor we hired, at one point or another, would start out building a mobile home, then end up building a remodeled home.
Because of this, and because most remodeling jobs really do have a time limit, most remodelers just start building their mobile homes and remodels. The few times we’ve remodeled a mobile home, we ended up with a mobile home that’s still mostly mobile, and has little to no fixed location.
The main thing to consider when considering a new mobile home remodel is location. If we were building a mobile home on a piece of land that we owned, we would only need to make a few adjustments to the existing structure. But if we were building a mobile home on a piece of land that doesn’t even belong to us, then we have to get creative. The biggest problem we have with mobile homes is that they are often the first piece of land we build on in the development.
If you are building a mobile home on your own piece of land, you should consider how you are going to use the space. Make it easy to access the areas you need. You don’t want to be digging around in the mud for weeks just to find the bathroom sink. If you are in a developing area, make a clear path through the woods and trees that go to your house and take all the extra room you need by using the space to grow lots of trees.
When we first moved into our first mobile home, it was just a plain old dirt road that didn’t have a sewer hookup. Our new home is on a forested hill and requires quite a bit of water to fill our tanks and flush our toilets. We also have a large garden that is required to grow food for our family. For these reasons, it is important to make your home as convenient as possible for yourself and your family.
We have had our own mobile home for four and a half years now and this is the first time we have used our “room to grow trees” technique. The trees in our new home are not huge, but they do grow quite a bit. We planted these trees in the yard and are now getting to see them in the early spring sunshine.
Our patio area is the same way. It is an area that is used for entertaining, we have a pool, and it is also used as a garden. We had a large garden when we came to these house, but this time it is a smaller garden with smaller trees.