I know that many people, particularly those that have died recently, have their own ideas on what they want to remember about their lives. As such, it can be quite difficult to think on your own about what you want to remember when you die.

This is where the funeral home comes in. Gunderson Funeral Home, in Franklin, Tennessee, is a funeral home that has given its community a name for a reason: It is what happens when you let the dead stay dead. I spent a lot of time talking with the director and other staffers about what they think makes a good funeral home, and what they think makes a bad one.

The director and other staffers tell us the best way to make a funeral home good is to “make your employees happy and then keep them that way.” The idea is that by making your employees happy they will not be overly stressed when the day comes. So if you want your employees to be happy, you need to make sure they are working on the right thing.

On the other hand, to make a funeral home bad, you need to make it so stressful that it’s impossible for your employees to work on the right thing. In other words, you need to make your employees work too hard.

Yes, that’s right. If you want your employees to work harder, you need to make sure they are working on the right thing. If you do the right thing and your employees are working too hard, then you will have employees who are happy and who will be working hard. Also, if you have employees who are happy, they will be working hard. If you have employees who are not happy, you will have employees who are not working hard.

In the case of a well-run company, the key to success is consistency. If you don’t have consistency in employees’ work, it will probably not result in success. If the company isn’t making profits, it will probably not be successful. If you don’t have the right employees, you will not get success.

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